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Style Guide

For the most part, we follow PSR-12, this should be enforced by PHP CS Fixer. There are some exceptions to this, which are listed below.

  • Space after casts
  • Space after unary operators

The PHP CS Fixer configuration can be found under laravel/.php-cs-fixer.php. Each section of rules contains a link to the relevant PHP CS Fixer documentation.

Type hinting

Whenever possible, type hinting should be used. This includes return types, parameters, and properties. Do not use docblocks for type hinting.

class Foo
    public string $name;

    public function setName(string $value): void
        $this->name = $value;


Values in enums should use PascalCase.

enum UserType: string
    case Customer = 'customer';
    case Staff = 'staff';


Do not use docblocks for methods that can be fully type hinted (unless you need to add additional comments).


class UserService
    public function findByName(string $name): User
        // ...


class UserService
     * Find a user by its name.
     * @param string $name
     * @return User
    public function findByName(string $name): User
        // ...

Always import classnames in docblocks.


use App\Models\User;

 * @param User $user


 * @param \App\Models\User $user

Docblocks for iterators

When an iterable type is used anywhere, always define the key and value type of the iterable.

 * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, User> $users

If an array always has the same shape, you can type hint the keys like this:

 * @param array{type: string, message: string} $result

Constructor property promotion

Whenever possible, use constructor promotion instead of manually assigning properties. This is especially useful for value objects and DTOs. It is also useful for classes that rely on dependency injection.


class UserDTO
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $email,
    ) {


class UserDTO
    public string $name;
    public string $email;

    public function __construct(string $name, string $email)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->email = $email;

Laravel helpers vs facades


We recommend this approach for consistency, but this shouldn't block any PR unless there is a clear benefit/bugfix in changing the implementation.

We have a slight preference to using helper functions over facades; unless there is no corresponding helper function available.

We also have a slight preference for using DI when it makes sense to (e.g. you're using the same helper/facades in multiple places).


public function __construct(
    private Repository $cache,
) {

public function handle(): void
    $parameters = $this->cache->get('parameters');

    $url = url('path', Arr::query($parameters));

    $this->cache->put('url-with-parameters', $url);


public function handle(): void
    $parameters = cache()->get('parameters');

    $url = URL::to('path', Arr::query($parameters));

    cache()->put('url-with-parameters', $url);

Updating PHPDocs on Eloquent Models

You should update the PHPDoc on a model when you change it in any of the following ways:

  • Adding a new column
  • Changing the name or type of a column
  • Adding, changing or removing a relationship
  • Adding, changing or removing a mutator
  • Adding, changing or removing a scope
  • Adding, changing or removing a cast

Updating the PHPDoc can be automatically done using the php artisan ide-helper:models -RW command.